Bild von blauen Grafikpostern, die an der Decke der Buchhandlung Hugendubel hängen.


Project timeline: 7 Months
Communication Strategy, Storytelling, Point-of-sale Communication, Pre-production and Final Artwork, Production, Process Management
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Hugendubel wants to set new standards for the book trade and combine the book with emotion and experience. For this purpose, Schwitzke ID developed a forward-looking store concept with emotional visual merchandising for the Hugendubel branch at Munich's Stachus.


In contrast to the reserved interior design, there is an emotional visual merchandising concept developed by Schwitzke ID, which visually supports the individual themed worlds with rich images. Motifs such as "goosebumps", "current events" or "lifestyle" take up the contents of the book visually and stage them using thematic graphics and installations. For example, in "Great Feelings" the visitor encounters a romantic flower installation made of hundreds of individually made silk blossoms. The individual scenes tell the stories of the books and transfer their emotions to the room.

We look forward to meeting you!

We look forward to meeting you!

Astrid Kaps
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Bild von Astrid Kaps, Unternehmensentwicklung & Unternehmenskommunikation der Schwitzke Gruppe.