We developed the brand personality as well as the interior design & retail concept for the Mall of Switzerland. Based on the diversity of Switzerland, the guiding principles are multi-facetedness and Swissness.

Unique in Switzerland so far are the "Jumping Facades": projecting and receding facades that dissolve the boundary between mall and store and give the impression of a grown city center.

Rendering einer Innenraumgestaltung in der Entwurfsphase
Planungsskizze in der Entwurfsphase
Aufnahme zweier moderner Sessel und einer Sitzbank mit Tisch zum Verweilen aus der Vogelperspektive
Frontale Ansicht von drei Aufzügen und einem Wegeleitsystem in einem Vorraum, dessen Wände aus Holzvertäfelungen und grafischen sechseckigen Elementen bestehen
The iconic logo is based on the Swiss cross, elements from cantonal coats of arms become wall graphics, used local materials like oak and terrazzo show the naturalness of the country.